Rumor: DC Comics cierra Vertigo

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Rumor: DC Comics cierra Vertigo

Mensaje por Kanon » 05 Jun 2019, 13:27

The rumor comes from Rich Johnston and Bleeding Cool who notes he “has been informed by a number of sources.” He also states that the shuttering of the iconic comic imprint has “come from on high rather rapidly.”

He notes that DC Comics are revoking some contracts, returning creator-owned titles to creators, and some are being moved within the publisher. We spoke to our own source and they indicated there are rumblings inside DC Comics that Vertigo might be in trouble. They specifically told us Vertigo might be in trouble because none of the recent titles have taken off.
El ultimo año de Vertigo fue un desastre certificado, el relanzamiento fue equivalente a una casa que necesitaba que la cuiden y en lugar de eso se llenó de ocupas que sacaron lo que pudieron.
GamerTag XboxLive: KanonZombie
PSN Id: KanonZombie


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