Naked Gun Reboot

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Naked Gun Reboot

Mensaje por Kanon » 13 Ene 2014, 01:01

Exclusive: Ed Helms is Frank Drebin in Naked Gun Reboot (No Relation)
Screenwriter Robert Ben Garant explains Ed Helms’ relationship to the original Frank Drebin, reveals the working title and plans “100 jokes a page.”


I’ve been worried they’re only going to use the name Naked Gun, but Garant confirmed they are trying to write in the Zucker/Abrahams/Zucker style of the original films, and the classic Airplane. “We are trying to reinvent the world because that world was very ‘Dragnet,’ but we’re trying to fit in 100 jokes a page,” Garant said. “It’s going to be a lot of fun. We’re very much embracing the style.”

Even the recasting of Leslie Nielsen’s character, Frank Drebin, comes with a lovely homage to a running gag from the original. “Our take is that Ed Helms is Frank Drebin, no relation,” Garant said. “That’s how he introduces himself.”

While this is a reboot, not necessarily a remake of the first film’s storyline, Garant gives a wink to keeping it in continuity. “Right now we’re calling it Episode IV – A New Hope,” Garant deadpanned. “That will change, but that’s the working title.”


Garant did seem surprised when I asked if Helms would be dying his hair gray like Nielsen. Perhaps they hadn’t considered that yet. “Oh, I don’t know. He’s already kind of going gray. We’re making it pretty clear that he’s not Leslie Nielsen. Those are just too big of shoes to fill but we’re going to try to do as good as those. Those movies are so funny. They’re so solid.” ... o-relation

Si alguien busca el topic de lo que hubiera sido Naked Gun 4 (con el super review de la casa ;) ) viewtopic.php?f=2&t=575&p=16452#p16452
GamerTag XboxLive: KanonZombie
PSN Id: KanonZombie

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Re: Naked Gun Reboot

Mensaje por Poyo » 13 Ene 2014, 08:00

Si, no me gusta esto del reboot, dejense de joder :emo:


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