[MCU] Spider-Man: Homecoming (2017)

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Re: Disney/Marvel hace movidas concretas para recuperar a Sp

Mensaje por ShonenBushido » 15 Dic 2014, 16:15

mira vos, pero eso no es parte de otro arco argumental? lo que yo consegui como civil war no tiene eso :(
(ne convencieron de ver agents of shields solo por el MCU)

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Re: Disney/Marvel hace movidas concretas para recuperar a Sp

Mensaje por Kanon » 15 Dic 2014, 17:54

No, son secuelas que quedan de las acciones de Civil War
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Re: Disney/Marvel hace movidas concretas para recuperar a Sp

Mensaje por Kanon » 10 Feb 2015, 07:39

:shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock:
Sony Pictures Entertainment Brings Marvel Studios Into The Amazing World Of Spider-Man

New Spider-Man Will Appear First in an Upcoming Marvel Film Within Marvel’s Cinematic Universe


Marvel's Kevin Feige to Produce Next Installment of the Spider-Man Franchise with Amy Pascal

(Culver City, California, and Burbank, California February 09, 2015) – Sony Pictures Entertainment and Marvel Studios announced today that Sony is bringing Marvel into the amazing world of Spider-Man.

Under the deal, the new Spider-Man will first appear in a Marvel film from Marvel's Cinematic Universe (MCU). Sony Pictures will thereafter release the next installment of its $4 billion Spider-Man franchise, on July 28, 2017, in a film that will be co-produced by Kevin Feige and his expert team at Marvel and Amy Pascal, who oversaw the franchise launch for the studio 13 years ago. Together, they will collaborate on a new creative direction for the web slinger. Sony Pictures will continue to finance, distribute, own and have final creative control of the Spider-Man films.
http://marvel.com/news/movies/24062/son ... spider-man
GamerTag XboxLive: KanonZombie
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Da Funk
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Registrado: 09 Mar 2008, 01:27
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Re: Disney/Marvel hace movidas concretas para recuperar a Sp

Mensaje por ShonenBushido » 10 Feb 2015, 08:14

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Re: Disney/Marvel hace movidas concretas para recuperar a Sp

Mensaje por Poyo » 10 Feb 2015, 08:51

Es la noticia del año :desmayo: :desmayo: :desmayo:

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Re: Disney/Marvel hace movidas concretas para recuperar a Sp

Mensaje por Kanon » 10 Feb 2015, 23:58

Marvel Studios won’t pay Sony Pictures for the rights to put Spider-Man in “Captain America: Civil War,” the “Avengers” franchise or its other superhero films, as part of its new partnership with the studio,” according to sources with knowledge of the deal. At the same time, Marvel won’t receive a cut of the box office for any of Sony’s films that feature Spider-Man. Sony won’t receive a percentage of the revenue Disney makes from Marvel’s films that have Spider-Man, either.

Marvel Studios president Kevin Feige also won’t receive payment for his role in helping revive Sony’s “Spider-Man” franchise, according to sources.
http://variety.com/2015/film/news/detai ... 201429039/
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Re: Marvel's Spider-Man 28.7.17

Mensaje por Poyo » 11 Feb 2015, 01:47

O sea que nadie recibe nada :blabla: :blabla: :blabla: :blabla: :blabla:

Básicamente el acuerdo se nutre de los beneficios que logra cada uno por el solo hecho de estar asociado con el otro...

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Blast Processing
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Re: Marvel's Spider-Man 28.7.17

Mensaje por Kanon » 02 Mar 2015, 20:32

Dicen las malas lenguas...
There is talk about calling the series SPECTACULAR SPIDER-MAN after yet another Marvel comics series ala the last films being called “Amazing.”
So the thinking at the moment is that Sony will faze out all the Spidey Verse films they were developing. Yes even the Aunt May film (that was real!) and focus on a story involving Spidey versus the Sinister Six. At one point they were developing a film that was just going to be a spinoff called THE SINISTER SIX. That’s scrapped but the big news is that the director of that film, Drew Goddard, will write AND direct the Spectacular Spider Man movie.
New actor, probably an unknown, he will be specifically based in High School and they want him to be able to grow up into the role. The thought being if this works, Spidey can do multiple trilogies for years ala Harry Potter.
A major part of the first film will involve Spider- Man fighting Iron Man and then trying to pass the “audition” to join the Avengers
http://www.latino-review.com/news/exclu ... r-revealed
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Re: Marvel's Spider-Man 28.7.17

Mensaje por Kanon » 26 Abr 2015, 20:56

RT! #UNCONFIRMED #RUMOR Take with the tiniest grain of salt pending further confirmation. I'm being told the working title for the untitled SPIDER-MAN stand alone film is SPIDER-MAN:THE NEW AVENGER Again, it's Sunday so take with grain pending further confirmation. What do you think of title? #Spiderman #marvel #MCU #marvelcomics #marvelmovies
GamerTag XboxLive: KanonZombie
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This is Pequod!
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Re: Marvel's Spider-Man 28.7.17

Mensaje por Poyo » 27 Abr 2015, 00:58

Que ladrones :nonono: :nonono: :nonono:


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